Monday, September 25, 2006

Please, Mr Einstein

It's a lazy Tuesday off and I'm sitting reading - no, enjoying - a delightful book. It's Please, Mr Einstein by Jean-Claude Carriere.

I can't say very much about the content of the book yet - I'm only up to page 18, but the experience is taking me back to the 70s and 80s and books like Douglas Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid! That was a postmodern book written before everyone was talking about postmodern books.

Do you remember that spine-tingling experience of beginning to read about a favourite subject (in Hofstader's case, physics and artificial intelligence) only to find that rather than it being about physics, it's not even about thinking about physics - it's about thinking about thinking about physics?

And to cap it off, all the time I'm reading it I'm simultaneously thinking about how and why the author, here Carrerie, wrote the things he did.

For example, take pages 12-13. The girl has just asked Einstein why he chose to see her instead of the more likely candidates who were already in the waiting room when she arrived. It seems it was because she is a girl (he likes girls), but also because her presence reassured him that the human race still exists in the 21st century (Einstein has been dead for 50 years). This leads to a question of whether he is afraid that his part in the development of the atomic bomb meant he would be held responsible if the race had been wiped out?

"But responsible to whom?" she asks. "If humanity had disappeared, who would be left to blame you for it?"

"No one, you're right. But all the same ..."

Then ensues a discussion about how the young can't conceive of the concept of nothingness, entirely skipping over the question that immediately occurs to theologians like you and me, that there might still be someone to hold him responsible!

I do hope Carrerie will find his way back to such concerns further into the book, but even if he doesn't, I am enjoying what I am finding.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The things you are asked in counselling

All pastors do a certain amount of counselling, and you never know just how serious the questions just might be. Sometimes it is awe-inspiring the amount of trust people place in you. For example, here's a recent email:

"Dear Mal, I've never written to you before, but I really need your advice on what could be a crucial decision.

"I've suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me.The usual rings, but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently, although when Iask their names she always says, "Just some friends from work, you don't know them."

"I sometimes stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she always comes walking up the drive as I hear the sound of a car leaving, around the corner, as if she has gotten out and walked the rest of the way. Why? Maybe she wasn't in a taxi at all?

"I once picked up her mobile phone, just to see what time it was. This caused her to go completely berserk. She quickly snatched the phone out of my hand and cursed me hysterically, screaming that I should never touch her personal property, then accused me of trying to spy on her.

"Anyway, I have never broached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my Harley Davidson Lowrider next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the street around the corner when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my motorcycle that I noticed a small amount of motor oil leaking throughthe gasket between the rear head and rocker arm cover.

"So... is this something I can easily repair myself or do you think I should take it back to the dealer as it's still under warranty?"

(With thanks to DJ)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Is prophecy the same as inspired preaching?

Many conservative Christians make the above equation - that what was once called prophecy in the early church is today what we describe as inspired preaching, especially if it is of the kind that calls down fire upon those in our societies who oppress the powerless, exploit the diminishing resources of our planet, or deceive the gullible masses.

Certainly, these are all things that a prophet might well do. But does that turn their words into prophecy? No, not even if they were uttered by a prophet, let alone a preacher! It is hearing from God and declaring what he says that makes prophecy.

According to Ernest Gentile in Your Sons and Daughters Shall Prophesy: Prophetic Gifts in Ministry Today, the one upon whom so many preachers try to model themselves, the "Prince of Preachers" himself - C.H. Spurgeon - didn't think so. And he was also a prophet!

If you want to know more about this then check out the full story at my Listening 2 God blog.

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Friday, September 08, 2006


The Wall Street Journal, on Tuesday, ran an article about the experiences of some churches in the USA with attempts to 'transition' their church to 'Purpose Driven'. I find it hard to relate to this part of American church culture, even though I'm not unfamiliar with church splits. However, the article does reinforce some of my misgivings about churches putting their focus on running 'services' and on filling the pews and meeting the budget. A church service would not be my first choice to take a friend in the hope that they might meet Jesus. I would rather they saw Jesus in me first! Church 'services' must seem rather bizarre to most people these days - where else does anyone engage in mysterious rituals, sing to musical instruments then sit still and listen to a lecture? If the purpose is evangelism then I can certainly see a desperate need to change the format to 'seeker friendly' - but should that really be the purpose?

Some churches must have gone far enough down the Purpose Driven track here in Australia for some valuable experiences to have emerged. Have any of you got stories to tell about it?

And just in case there might be a few readers of this who still don't know what I'm talking about, here's the links to the books that started it all: The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, and The Purpose-Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message & Mission. And here's the WSJ article - sorry it's so long:


Across U.S., Members Divide On Making Sermons, Music More 'Purpose-Driven'

No More 'Wrath of God'?

By SUZANNE SATALINESeptember 5, 2006; Page A1

IUKA, Miss. -- In April, 150 members of Iuka Baptist Church voted to kick Charles Jones off the deacons' board. The punishment followed weeks of complaints by Mr. Jones and his friends that the pastor was following the teachings of the Rev. Rick Warren, the best-selling author and church-growth guru. After the vote, about 40 other members quit the church to support Mr. Jones.

Mr. Warren, the effusive pastor of stadium-sized Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., is best known for his book "The Purpose Driven Life," which has sold 25 million copies and urges people to follow God's plan for them. He has spawned an industry advising churches to become "purpose-driven" by attracting nonbelievers with lively worship services, classes and sermons that discuss Jesus' impact on their lives, and invitations to volunteer.

But the purpose-driven movement is dividing the country's more than 50 million evangelicals. Some evangelicals, like the Iuka castoffs, say it's inappropriate for churches to use growth tactics akin to modern management tools, including concepts such as researching the church "market" and writing mission statements. Others say it encourages simplistic Bible teaching. Anger over the adoption of Mr. Warren's methods has driven off older Christians from their longtime churches. Congregations nationwide have split or expelled members who fought the changes, roiling working-class Baptist congregations and affluent nondenominational churches.

Last summer, the evangelical church of onetime Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers split after adopting Mr. Warren's techniques. That church, Valley View Christian Church in Dallas, wanted to increase membership and had built a huge sanctuary several years ago to accommodate hundreds of people. Church leaders adopted a strategic plan built around Mr. Warren's five "fundamental purposes": worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism. One goal was to make sure more than 19% of the church's members were adults in their 20s and 30s, says the pastor, the Rev. Barry McCarty.

The Rev. Ron Key, then the senior minister, says he objected to the church's "Madison Avenue" marketing. "I believe Jesus died for everybody," Mr. Key says, not just people in a "target audience." He says the leaders wanted church that was more "edgy," with a worship service using modern music. Mr. Key was demoted, then fired for being divisive and insubordinate.

About 200 people, many of whom had left the church earlier because they thought it should give more money to mission work, began worshiping in a Doubletree Hotel, and later in a college gym, with Mr. Key as pastor. Ms. Miers, the White House counsel, worships with them when she comes to town, a White House spokeswoman says.

At a time when many churches are struggling with declining or aging congregations, advocates of the purpose-driven movement credit it with energizing congregations, doubling the size of some churches and boosting the number of "megachurches" of more than 2,000 members. Mr. Warren says his church and nonprofit arm have trained 400,000 pastors world-wide. He reaches many more through sales of his sermons, books and lessons on the Web. Mr. Warren says he donates 90% of his money to fund philanthropy and overseas training.

Mr. Warren preaches in sandals and a Hawaiian shirt, and he encourages ministers to banish church traditions such as hymns, choirs and pews. He and his followers use "praise team" singers, backed by rock bands playing contemporary Christian songs. His sermons rarely linger on self-denial and fighting sin, instead focusing on healing modern American angst, such as troubled marriages and stress.

As membership in Protestant churches stagnated in the 1980s, Mr. Warren, a Southern Baptist in Orange County, Calif., learned from surveys that the region's Reagan-era baby boomers said they didn't connect with their parents' churches. He figured they might find God if they could sit in a theater-style auditorium and listen to live pop music and sermons that could help them with ennui and personal problems. Through Mr. Warren's Internet marketing savvy, tens of thousands of subscribing pastors learned about his church, which draws 20,000 people each weekend. In the past decade, many pastors jumped to replicate his methods, creating new churches and transforming existing ones.

Christians have long divided over efforts to adapt and modernize their faith. Some believers worry that purpose-driven techniques are so widespread among Protestant churches that they are permanently altering the way Christians worship. Some traditionalists say Mr. Warren's messages misread Bible passages and undermine traditions. Mr. Warren is "gutting" Christianity, says the Rev. Bob DeWaay, author of a book critical of the approach. "The Bible's theme is about redemption and atonement, not finding meaning and solving problems," the Minneapolis pastor says. A spokesman said Mr. Warren believes the Bible addresses sin and redemption, as well as human problems.

Some pastors learn how to make their churches purpose-driven through training workshops. Speakers at Church Transitions Inc., a Waxhaw, N.C., nonprofit that works closely with Mr. Warren's church, stress that the transition will be rough. At a seminar outside of Austin, Texas, in April, the Revs. Roddy Clyde and Glen Sartain advised 80 audience members to trust very few people with their plans. "All the forces of hell are going to come at you when you wake up that church," said Mr. Sartain, who has taught the material at Mr. Warren's Saddleback Church.

During a session titled "Dealing with Opposition," Mr. Clyde recommended that the pastor speak to critical members, then help them leave if they don't stop objecting. Then when those congregants join a new church, Mr. Clyde instructed, pastors should call their new minister and suggest that the congregants be barred from any leadership role.

"There are moments when you've got to play hardball," said the Rev. Dan Southerland, Church Transitions' president, in an interview. "You cannot transition a church...and placate every whiny Christian along the way."

Mr. Warren acknowledges that splits occur in congregations that adopt his ideas, though he says he opposes efforts to expel church members. "There is no growth without change and there is no change without loss and there is no loss without pain," he says. "Probably 10% of all churches are in conflict at any given point, regardless of what they're doing." That, he contends, "is not just symptomatic of changing to purpose-driven. It would be symptomatic in changing to anything."

Despite successes elsewhere, the exodus at some churches adopting the purpose-driven approach has been dramatic. Since taking the job of senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Lakewood in Long Beach, Calif., seven years ago, the Rev. John Dickau has watched attendance slide to 550 from 700. "I've often wondered, where's bottom?" he says.

Mr. Dickau has emulated Mr. Warren by favoring sermons about marital and family issues. He says he has attended several Church Transitions conferences to glean new insights and is personally coached by Mr. Sartain. Still, Mr. Dickau says, he made plenty of missteps, mainly, moving too fast. He proposed that the church drop the word "Baptist" from the name, to reach people who wouldn't identify with a denomination, but the congregation vote failed.

He jettisoned the piano for a guitar. And still people left, he says -- because the music is modern, because the congregation no longer uses hymn books, because the center screen that displays the song lyrics obscures the cross. Having a smaller congregation has meant trimming the $1.7 million budget to be able to afford adding to the sound system and new stage lights, which cost $150,000, Mr. Dickau says.

Still, he says he doesn't regret adopting a purpose-driven approach. "This church won't be here that much longer if we don't make these changes," he says.

The Rev. Bob Felts, pastor of Brookwood Church in Burlington, N.C., says his former congregation seemed enthusiastic about the purpose-driven approach in the 1990s. So he eagerly introduced the concepts to his new church starting in 2001.

Half the members, he said, balked at his decisions to dress casually, restrict choir performances and use electric instruments. Services now may start with a piercing electric-guitar solo, boosted with amplifiers from the $50,000 sound system. Nearly five years into the process, Mr. Felts says he has more young people than in years past: 40% of those who attend are under 22, as opposed to 20% years earlier. But attendance shrank to 275 this summer from 600. (He expects returning students from the area college to swell the rolls by 70.) Mr. Felts says he had to cut tens of thousands of dollars from the annual budget, which is now $600,000. He says some departing members have accused him of "ruining the church."

Mr. Felts says that despite his church's troubles, most churches that follow the purpose-driven way are growing. "It takes time and persistence," he says. "You're talking about a new paradigm."

Mr. Warren's philosophy has become such a lightning rod that some church leaders are reluctant to declare that they are using purpose-driven methods -- and some congregants see hidden agendas in the smallest changes at their churches.

Since Iuka Baptist's founding in 1859, its services had remained much the same. Sunday morning began with hymns such as "How Great Thou Art" and "O Worship the King," followed by prayer and a lengthy sermon. Many of the white working-class families who attend the church have known each other since high school.

But the church was in debt and wasn't growing. After Iuka's pastor moved to another church in 2003, a search committee recruited the Rev. Jim Holcomb, 48. He preached with gusto, liberally salting his sermons with personal stories and jokes. Changes were coming, he told members, and he warned that the church could lose some members because of it.

Mr. Holcomb says he partially read an earlier Warren book called "The Purpose-Driven Church" and read Mr. Warren's essays in the Ladies' Home Journal. He says Mr. Warren's teachings were never part of his agenda. He was promoting "aggressive, evangelistic outreach" to bolster the church. "If that's purpose-driven, then I'm purpose-driven," he says.

Innovations that are hallmarks of many purpose-driven churches soon began rippling through Iuka Baptist. Mr. Holcomb began a second worship service at 8:30 a.m. Sundays with a "praise team" that sang hymns as well as Christian pop songs with lyrics beamed on a screen. In 2005, Iuka Baptist adopted its first mission statement, a tactic that Mr. Warren says helps the church focus on its objectives. One of the school's adult Sunday school teachers bought each of his 12 students a copy of "The Purpose Driven Life." The church's youth minister assigned the book to his 60 middle-school and high-school students.

The church began to grow. Membership this spring was 694 local members, up 170 since Mr. Holcomb became pastor, according to church staff. But the changes dismayed several older members. Charles Jones, 67, had belonged to Iuka Baptist for 59 years and was one of 15 deacons, or lay officers. He and his wife, Nena, were married at the church, as was their daughter.

The Joneses grew disappointed that they rarely heard Mr. Holcomb deliver messages from the pulpit about God's wrath or redemption. "He didn't preach on somebody going to hell," says Mrs. Jones, 61. Mr. Holcomb says he has always preached sound biblical messages.

Mrs. Jones began scouring the Internet to investigate all the changes taking places at Iuka. Her searches led her to Web sites run by critics of Mr. Warren as well as to Mr. Warren's own Web site.

More than a dozen church members, including the Joneses, began meeting privately to complain about changes. Church leaders became angry. "The Rev. Jim Holcomb has been slandered and insulted by some of you," the church's minister for education, the Rev. Kim Leonard, thundered at one service. Mr. Holcomb and Mr. Leonard deny that Iuka Baptist was becoming purpose-driven. Mr. Leonard says it was "coincidence" that the new initiatives resembled strategies advocated by Mr. Warren and his movement.

Then a Web site run by a critic of Mr. Warren posted a letter from Mrs. Jones describing her worries about Iuka Baptist and comparing the congregation's admiration for Mr. Holcomb to the cult followings of Jim Jones and David Koresh. The posting sparked angry emails from church members. A church meeting was soon called. Hundreds of people packed into the pews. After heated arguments, the congregation voted 150-to-41 to throw Mr. Jones off the board. The members also accepted the resignations of two other deacons, friends of Mr. Jones who had been asked to leave the board. In the weeks that followed, 40 church members quit.

With no church to worship in this spring, Mr. Jones led 30 former Iuka members in prayer one May night at a public park. He asked God to bless their former spiritual home and those who had forced them from it.

"Keep your eyes on Iuka Baptist Church, Lord," Mr. Jones said, his head bowed, "that you may open their eyes and their hearts."

Mr. Holcomb, the pastor whose changes at the church started the controversy, has left Iuka for another church. A search committee continues to look for a new pastor. Deacon Kenny Phifer said the committee won't hire a pastor who will make Iuka purpose-driven.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I was tickled by this bit of dark speech from the August issue of Feeding Together, put out by the Reformed Alliance of the UCA.

First Speaker: "What about this one? How many 'progressive' liberals does it take to change a lightbulb?"

Second Speaker: "What do you mean 'How many?' That's the wrong question. We're not here to change the lightbulbs, but to affirm their lightedness.

"There are many different ways they express their inner light, and if one of them is through darkness who are we to say that's wrong? That's being noctaphobic and intolerant of the wider spectrum.

"We need to learn to embrace the darkness and see the light within it, to move with them through it, finding that darkness is a new expression of lightedness that is to be valued and accepted as one of many ..."