Thursday, August 30, 2007

How many blogging pastors are there?

Darren Rowse, the Problogger, has written an interesting post about how to keep blogging when it feels like nobody is reading your blog. Darren speaks of his time as a pastor learning to preach by speaking to a room full of empty pews.

As a fellow pastor I know that feeling well, and as an aspiring problogger I'm feeling it even more often. However, for me the eye openner came when I started to read the comments to Daren's post. There just seemed to be so many pastors and other church leaders there.

Of course, I know a lot of pastors are now using a blog as part of their ministry, as I do. They post sermons and church news for the benefit of their congregation and others. However, these were not just pastors posting on church themes. No, these were pastors and ex-pastors who now post for many other reasons.

I often attend the ordination services for new pastors in my denomination, and am always interested to discover just how many become pastors out of a professional science background, as I did. Well, here's another interesting question - how many professional bloggers enter the "profession" after a career as a minister or pastor?

Any more want to come out of the closet (or is it vestry)?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mal - it is a fascinating thing. Everytime I post something like that I find other pastors doing what I'm doing also. Quite bizarre :-0http

5:39 AM  
Blogger Mal said...

I think it's likely a lot of them were inspired by you, Darren.

I didn't know about ProBlogger when I started out, but your exploits helped me to keep going after finding out that the amount of work involved in web design and hosting for others wasn't worth the money I could charge for it.

Now most of the 40 odd sites I do are either freebies or my own, but I break even by blogging.

3:15 PM  

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