Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why 'Beth Tephillah'?

We often have people ask us why we called our ministry centre 'Beth Tephillah'.

When we purchased the property the Lord clearly said it was to be a house of prayer. We did some research and found out that the Hebrew for 'house of prayer' is 'Beth Tephillah' (at least, our English transliteration of it is - the pronunciation seems to be something like a sneeze to me, but to a Hebrew speaker it is probably music).

Out of respect and gratitude to our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world, from whom our Messiah Yeshua came, we decided to use this name.

Of course, now we have to put up with letters addressed to 'Dear Beth'! I also noticed that a significant proportion of our web traffic comes from Tel Aviv. All praise to YHWH, our Father!

Once a professor of Hebrew visiting some neighbours of ours, on driving past our centre, commented to his hosts that it was very strange that someone would call their building 'House of Mourning'! That had us worried for a short while until we checked it out. We still don't know where he got that from.


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