Monday, August 21, 2006

Doppler Shift

Something that interests me is the clear correlation between God's spiritual laws, the laws controlling human relationships, and the natural laws of physics. I'll write more on this later, but in the September 2006 issue of RadCom, the journal of the Radio Society of Great Britain, I read something which tickled my funny bone.

You've probably heard of Doppler Shift, but if not you have certainly experienced it in the shift of pitch of a sound as it changes speed relative to you. For example, the train whistle that is high pitched as the train approaches and becomes lower as the train passes and moves away from you. Astronomers use it in the form of Red Shift, the shifting of the colour of light towards the red end of the spectrum, to measure the velocity of stars moving away from earth. It is an important consideration in amateur radio because the signal frequency from a satelite or space craft changes relative to the receiver as the satelite orbits the earth.

Well, someone has come up with a new definition:

Doppler Shift - the tendency for daft ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.


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