Monday, August 07, 2006

Being Made One

Last week I had all of my parts removed.

"What!" I can hear you saying. Come on - admit it, you did!

One thing we learned from the Anazao seminar is that everyone has dissociate parts - not just people with Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID) or victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). It reminds me of the time, many years ago, when we discovered that Christians could also have demons. The impact was just as great. That is, until we found that, like being demonised, it's really no big deal.

God built into every person a wonderful protective ability to create new parts of the mind that can carry the memories attached to deep trauma, thus relieving us of the need to have to continue to function in life in the presence of too much pain.

After a few weeks of watching Peter and Heather Toth remove the parts of numerous DID and SRA victims, my wife and I decided to have our parts removed too. Neither of us are DID or SRA, but there have been events in our lives that we have not yet had to face fully, so the time had come to have them out. If we are to teach others how to do this ministry then we must have experienced it for ourselves.

What surprised me were two things. First, at the beginning of the ministry they had a word of knowledge about how many parts there would be. When I could no longer find any more parts in my mind they revealed the number and counted the mapped parts - they were the same. This also happened for Diana.

The second thing was that the specific traumatic event that was used to break my denial about the trauma still locked up inside me was not the one I expected it to be - related to my not wanting to be born. Rather it was the grief I had never expressed at the death of my favourite uncle when I was about 10 years old. I had never thought about his death from then until last week. That particular part had been doing a very good job. I felt quite sad and shed a few unexpected tears as I abreacted through this memory.

Once all of the parts had been mapped - there were 26 - they were resolved by first introducing Jesus to the part that gave instructions to all of the rest. A few low-level demons tried to prevent this part from seeing the true Lord Jesus. These demons were soon dealt with by my resolving the sin issues they attached to. For example, at first I saw Jesus' cross, but it was unclear, and as I watched it changed into a dagger upright in the ground. This was dismissed, then I saw a hooded figure lit from the back. His face was invisible, but the eyes then appeared as spots of light. This also was sent away. Eventually I saw Jesus' face accompanied by a feeling of peace and wellbeing. The "chief" part gave permission for Jesus to visit the other parts, then I watched as Jesus put them all in a bag and took them away. Other people see all sorts of things as Jesus takes the parts away. Every ministry I witnessed was different.

The whole process took two hours. This is where the Anazao ministry differs from many other ministries which believe that each part and the memory it holds must be dealt with, each part accepting Jesus as Lord, and then the parts being "integrated" back into the core person. This model is based on the mistaken idea that the mind fragments to make the parts or alters (hence the disorder originally being called "fragmentation"). This is not true. In fact, the parts are additions, created by the mind for the purpose of handling the overwhelming information to be stored during severe trauma. They are not full personalities, only being mind parts which share the emotions of the host body.

Once the memeories are released to the person the parts no longer have any reason to exist and are simply removed. No repentance or forgiveness is needed by the part, because being without a spirit they can not sin. It is the core person who must take responsibility for any repenting or forgiving that must be done, once the events are examined after the parts are removed.

In fact, in the case of an SRA victim, they are in no way responsible for anything they were forced to do while in dissociative state - they are not guilty.

Clearly, this understanding of the process, cleary explained in Peter Toth's book, "The forgotten factor in healing", is the reason why they can do so well in one or two days what others seem to take years to do only partially. After all, what is the point of removing the alters from an SRA victim one or two at a time if they are still being accessed by the kingdom of darkness and being regularly retraumatised? This is analogous to kicking out a few demons without having the person repent of the sin that gave them legal rights to come in - they immediately "get seven more". In the case of SRA all of the parts must be removed right at the start so they can no longer be accessed.

Of course, now I need to visit some of the other traumas in my life, as Jesus leads me, to make sure the house is clean. I'll share more about my progress as it happens.


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